Sessions & ceh's
Educational Sessions
The FPC Seminar + Expo educational sessions for architecture, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, fire safety, and facility management/construction will provide the necessary details to help you navigate all the new code changes coming at the end of 2023 in Florida. Presenters who were directly involved with these revisions will be coming to Orlando from across Florida and the United States to provide detailed presentations to help assure new projects have a successful AHCA review.
Educational sessions will also be provided by design professionals, contractors, facility managers and specialty experts practicing here in Florida. To learn more about how you or your company can submit an educational session idea, please visit “Call for Presentations” on the Home Page.
Continuing Education Hours (CEH)
Each year the FPC Seminar + Expo submits all educational sessions to licensing organizations for review and approval for continuing education credit. You may notice a difference between the use of CEU in past years and CEH today. A Continuing Education Unit, or CEU, equals 10 Continuing Education Hours, or CEH. Most licensing or certifying organizations require a specified number of CEHs, not CEUs. Therefore, we will use Continuing Education Hour or CEH to designate the credit offered at this seminar.
If you are a licensed architect, professional engineer, or certified contractor in the state of Florida, be sure to enter your professional license number during registration.
If you are a member of AIA, be sure to enter your AIA number during registration. All approved AIA sessions are also approved for Florida registered architects by Florida DBPR.
If you are a certified ASHE member as a CHC or CHFM, be sure to enter CHC or CHFM during registration.
If you are registered or licensed in another state or country, you will receive a General Certificate with all courses you attended for your use.
NOTE: The number of CEHs that can be earned for each license or certification will be posted on the final educational session schedule after all presentations have been evaluated and approved.
The following are the specific requirements for each licensing or certifying organization.
Florida Registered Architect
The Florida Department of Professional and Business Regulation (DBPR) requires 24 CEHs every two years. Two of those 24 CEHs must be an approved Florida Building Code Advanced Course and 14 CEHs must be approved as Health, Safety and Welfare (HSW). Sessions will be offered that are accepted by the Florida DBPR to help meet these requirements.
CEHs for Florida Architects are self-reported. Certificates received from the FPC Seminar must be retained by you for up to five years for auditing purposes.
This year, the Florida Building Code Advanced Course will also be offered so attendees can meet that additional requirement of two education hours.
AIA Members
The American Institute of Architecture (AIA) requires 18 LUs (of which at least 12 must be HSW) each calendar year. Sessions will be offered that are accepted by the AIA to help meet these requirements.
The CEHs earned by AIA members at the FPC Seminar are uploaded to the individual AIA record following the seminar.
Florida Professional Engineer
Florida Board of Professional Engineers (FBPE) requires 18 CEHs every two years. Two continuing hours must be in the laws and ethics of engineering and two must be for the Florida Building Code Advanced Course. Sessions regarding area of practice will also be offered that have been approved by the FBPE.
CEHs for Florida Professional Engineers are self-reported. Certificates received from the FPC Seminar must be retained for up to five years for auditing purposes.
This year, the Florida Building Code Advanced Course will also be offered so attendees can meet that additional requirement of two education hours.
Florida Certified Contractor
The Construction Industry Licensing Board (CILB) requires 14 CEHs every two years for contractors who are certified by the CILB. Of those, at least six continuing education hours are specified by the CILB. Two continuing hours must be for the Florida Building Code Advanced Course. The remaining eight continuing education hours can be in the area of practice. Sessions will be offered in the area of practice that have been approved by the CILB to help meet these requirements.
The CEHs earned for Florida Certified Contractors will be reported to the attendee’s CILB record.
This year, the Florida Building Code Advanced Course will also be offered so attendees can meet that additional requirement of two education hours.
ASHE Certification Contractor/Manager
The American Society of Healthcare Engineering (ASHE) offers two certifications, Certified Healthcare Contractor, (CHC) and Certified Healthcare Facility Manager (CHFM). Sessions will be offered that are suitable for submission for continuing education hours to help meet the 3 year, 45 CEHs requirement for recertification.